Getting Started…

Well, this is weird isn’t it? Me sitting here writing this and then you, sitting there reading it?

This first sentence, if nothing else (and there’s really not much else you could draw from it), should tell you that I’m new to blogging and am embarking on this first post with a certain amount of trepidation.

Now, I’m not naïve enough to be under any illusions, the likelihood is that very few, if any, people will ever read this post. It’s the first one. I have no dedicated readership, no mail list of regular visitors eagerly refreshing their inbox to receive the latest news from their favourite correspondent. It’s the curse of the first post to be eternally forgotten, it is the deformed, attic-dwelling stepson of the blogosphere.
The trouble is that, in order for the subsequent posts to, you know… exist, you need to start somewhere and this is it.

It may be difficult to tell at this stage, but this is a travel blog. Yes, I’m aware that, up until now, I’ve used the term “deformed, attic-dwelling stepson” precisely the same number of times as I’ve used the word “travel” but I’m hoping to redress that somewhat over the coming paragraphs.

The aim of the blog itself, is to chronicle the forthcoming adventures of me, Pete and my girlfriend Cath as we set off on a year long, round-the-world trip encompassing 3 continents, at least 11 countries and many of the worlds most beautiful and interesting locations.
The intended departure date for this epic voyage is April 2018, but there is plenty to talk about in the meantime. Over the intervening period we will discuss the difficulty of planning such a long trip, the art of saving those hard-earned [Insert currency here], as well as honing our travel writing prowess by relaying the various exciting escapades that we’ve encountered on our previous trips together.

Once we set off, you can expect to read regular updates as we make our way from place to place. We’ll include all our best photos, tell you about the people we meet and the experiences that we have during what will surely be the best year of our lives.
Anyone, whether they are looking to go on their own similar trip or not, is invited to learn from our inevitable mistakes and laugh heartily at our ineptitude as we expose ourselves to new cultures, foods and environments for which we are in no way designed. We hope to take you along on with us every step of the way and share with you the ups and down of this amazing journey.

Well, you’ve made it this far, we both have – you and me. The first piece of the puzzle is in place, even if, it would seem that this first piece depicts a small portion of some monumental arse, it’s there and we can build the rest upon it and see where we end up.  I hope you can stay with me and that you choose to read on.

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