The Video…

Well… it’s been quite a while hasn’t it? Fear ye not, we are not dead. Nor have our fingers been nibbled off by our new turtle brethrin, preventing us from typing. As you may have guessed, the whirlwind that is travelling gobbled up all our time and the blog fell very much by the wayside.

We are now back home in the UK and settling back into a “normal life” in Birmingham.

Not only did we complete our planned travels, we even managed to extend them by a couple of months in order to return to Tengah for another, even longer, stint.

It would be very difficult for me to recount all of the many and varied adventures that we have been on since the last time we posted. We do however have something that can help us tell the story.

Over the course of the 16 months that we were away, Cath and I took over 10,000 photos as well as hundreds of videos which serve to paint the picture of our escapades better than I ever could. These memories have now been collated together into a (rather lenghty) video.

So, here it is – the full, photographical journal of our trip.

It was the most special, exciting, unbelievable time of our lives and we loved every second of it.

For those of you that read the blog, thank you so much. I can only apologise that I wasn’t able to see it through to completion. Maybe one day I’ll return to write about some other adventure – see you then.

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